Python with Tolc

In order for C++ to be called from python there has to be an interface level. tolc generates this level from your already written C++ interface. To be as close to what an engineer would have written, tolc generates human readable pybind11. This is then compiled to a CPython library that the python interpreter can understand.

Using a C++ library from python

This is a quick guide to using a C++ library (here called MyLib) from python. We will:

  1. Download and use Tolc
  2. Use the resulting CPython library from python

The following works on all supported platforms. On all platforms you need git available in your path. Commands that should be run from a terminal starts with $, while comments starts with #.

Downloading and Using Tolc

Just add the following in a CMakeLists.txt below where the library you intend to use from javascript is defined:

# Download Tolc
# Can be ["latest", "v0.2.0", ...]
set(tolc_version latest)

set(tolc_DIR ${tolc_entry_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/cmake/tolc)

  LANGUAGE python
  OUTPUT python-bindings

Assuming your library is called MyLib, and the bindings should be generated to the directory python-bindings.

Now you can configure your project as normal (in Visual Studio, this is typically done automatically on save):

$ cmake -S. -Bbuild

And finally build it:

$ cmake --build build

This will produce a CPython library under build/tolc (with MSVC it will be under for example build/tolc/Debug), and you can use it as:

# With MSVC build\tolc\Debug
$ cd build/tolc
$ python
>>> import MyLib

If you want to see what more is supported you can take a look at the Examples section.